Christian Leadership
Focus Study:
Ever since the dawn of the church, the Holy Spirit has called, equipped, and sent out young leaders with a bold vision to seek and save the lot. Jesus' disciples were likely in their late teens to early 20s. Youth Leadership is fueled by the freedom to dream big. This class will show the students they are in good company with Jesus’ band of young disciples who followed their dream to plant churches to the ends of the earth.
This class on Christian youth leadership will consider the following for students in grades 3-8:
Calling- Students are ambassadors of Christ and have a calling to be leaders.
Patience- Students will understand their own leadership style consists of being patient and gracious first as you begin to help others.
Biblical Vision- Students will find their own vision for leadership through the life of Christ, using passages like Mark 10:45, John 13, Philippians 2:5-11, and Matthew 5-7.
Leadership Qualities- Lessons on accountability, transparency, and seeking counsel will enable the students to grow this new skill of serving others through leadership.
Family Involvement- Parents will be invited to help their children achieve goals and tasks, and show them the values of the church.
Taught By:
Jeff Felix earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCSD in 2007. He was an instructor of leadership courses to teacher credentialing and graduate students at Point Loma University. He practiced leadership as the superintendent of schools for Light & Life & Christian School Escondido, San Pasqual Union SD, Bonsall Union SD, and Coronado Unified SD before retiring from the superintendency in 2016. No stipend or fee is expected, nor will any form of gratuity be accepted.
When: TBD
Who: Grades 3-8
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.